Karen, I'm really glad that you did this memorial. Just as I have done on Facebook for my dad and pancreatic cancer. I believe we have to do what we can in order to heal. I still hurt from losing my dad and I can understand your pain. Grant it that he's my dad and Adam is your son, but we're grieving the same. I started a timeline in a notebook of my last six months with my dad. You are proof to me that it'll always hurt. You're proof that you don't get over it, you just learn to deal with the loss. Maybe I'm not saying any of this right but my heart goes out to you and your family. I have sat here and cried and cried reading your timeline. I too asked why my dad was taken from me and God was silent with me also. Sometimes you get so angry and you yell and no one answers you then you just grieve some more. But you know, look at us, you have your grandson and your husband and your other children still with you and you have found happiness again. As for me, daddy gave to me something to get a home for me and my family and to find my happiness. Always keeping you in my prayers...Meg
19th November 2011