Missing Adam - The Journey

2004 December 27

Created by evergreenags 13 years ago
Adam is still alive. He is in a medically induced coma. He is receiving blood plasma to help increase the oxygen flow to his brain. It breaks my heart to see him this way. His eye lids have become swollen and purple. The doctors periodically back off the medication to see if he still responds to pain. They do sternum rubs and pinch his chest hard - he responds. His movement is slight but enough to let us all know he is feeling pain. I want them to stop hurting him but I know they have to do this. I call his name and he raises his eyebrow as though he's trying to open his eyes but he can't. He is still in there. He can hear me. He is fighting. He will not die. The visiting hour is ending. I have to leave him. I kiss his forehead. I whisper I love you in his ear. I stroke his cheek. I let go of his hand and start to walk away. I look as he raises his hand off the bed to reach for me. I take his hand in mine and feel him relax. I tell him he's going to be ok. I stay until the nurse makes me leave. I didn't realize it at the time, but that was the last time he would reach out to his mother for comfort. I thougt it was a sign he would be ok. It was the opposite actually. It was his last conscious goodbye. He will not die. He cannot die. I plead with God to heal him. Please, I'm not ready to give him back to you. Please don't take him from me. I'll do anything .... God remains silent.