Missing Adam - The Journey

2004 December 26

Created by evergreenags 13 years ago
When we arrived at University Hospital in Cincinnati, Crystal was there waiting for us. She was transported by ambulance to University and was quickly checked for injuries. She was fine other than a few bruises. There seemed to be a flurry of activity. I believe it was a nurse who came to us to take us upstairs. She said Adam was already in surgery. She escorted us to the surgical ICU on the 2nd floor. The waiting began ...... I don't know how many hours Adam was in surgery. We had been waiting at least a few hours when the surgeon finally came out. He explained Adam's spleen had ruptured and caused extensive internal bleeding so they had to remove it. He had a fractured skull and a fractured femur. He had contusions on his lungs and kidneys. He described his condition as extremely critical. I asked the surgeon if my son was going to die. I could barely speak the words but I was looking for his reassurance that Adam was going to heal and get better. The surgeon said "Mrs. Shields, your son is in critical condition in a level one trauma center. That's as bad as it gets. You should probably call your family." His words were mind numbing. I felt emotionally paralyzed at the thought of losing my son.